Wednesday 25 November 2015

Am bein’ Autumnal, orate?

Hellor! So a lot’s changed in the year and a bit since I last posted. Bad blogger. Bad, bad blogger. So yeah, first of all, sorry about that. I really wanna try and take this opportunity and make a proper go of it this time. Starting with this. 

A lot has changed. I feel a lot more confident thanks to the past year. I’ve interned at my University, taken a year out from my studies, made some amazing friends, travelled to some cool locations, met an amazing boy and eaten foods and drank drinks I couldn’t possibly imagine tasting that beautiful outside of my beautiful Yorkshire. Overall, I feel a much happier, more confident person who wants to make a real go of this blogging business.

One of the biggest changes my friends will have noticed is my hair! Out with the blonde and in with the, oh, aup, what’s that? Becky, the girl who for the past 21 years of her life has been bright blonde either through natural sun, highlighting or dyeing, has gone RED.

It was a big step. I’d spoken to a few people about the change, and they were divided. I was told it could clash with my pinkish skin tone, that I should just go for it, and that it could go ‘ewww ginger’! I bought Loreal Preference’s Brooklyn shade and went from bright blonde to dark auburn in the time it takes to watch an episode of Corrie (which I did whilst my hair developed FYI).

I was immediately so pleased with the results. When I was younger, as a natural mousey blonde, it would go dark in winter. As an awkward 12/13 year old with no make-up and a cheap pair of hair straighteners, pictures would emerge of this Hanson reject with the largest black bags under her eyes and a wide, fat nose. I always thought that darker hair would bring that look back from 2006 where it belonged. However, I was so wrong and I really suit the colouring.

Now, when I see pictures with my old hair, I can't believe I stayed blonde for so long. I went from golden blonde, to ash blonde, to platinum blonde which in the end made me look like an E.L. James novel: 50 Shades of Blonde, although no Christian in sight! Just look at how unhealthy it looked, and how pink it made my skin!

It seems to be a good colour for the Autumn and Winter months, but I’ll have to stay on top of it when the sun comes back from wherever he goes. Not sure I’d rock orange roots! My head is the colour of chestnuts, fallen leaves, and mulled wine, which is probably my favourite thing about this time of year because I get warm and drunk. YAY.

I love being red, and even more recently I’ve had a lot of hair lopped off. IT’S SO SHORT NOW OMG. I’m loving this new look and feel sassy af. Thank you to everyone who’s complimented my new look, I even plan to go a bit redder next time!

So, I hope to carry on blogging. I have a few ideas ready to post in the next couple of weeks. Please, if you enjoy it, keep telling me to post stuff otherwise my next post will probably be December 2016. Who knows?! Maybe then I’ll be rocking a green cropped ‘do! Hopefully not though!

Ta loves
