Thursday 14 January 2016

Vegetaruary: Are you nuts?!

We're halfway through January, which means I'm halfway through my own, personal creation: Vegetaruary. I'm shocked and surprised to tell you that it's been very easy! 

I mean, New Year's Day, all I wanted was bacon. Sweet, crispy, fatty bacon. Agghhhhhh - I've had a few sore heads, and vegetables cannot cure a hangover. I needed fried chicken, or bacon-y goods, but other than a few almost slip-ups, it's been all gravy baby (vegetarian, meat-free gravy, that is).

Let's see what recipe I've come up with following last week's ALDI shop!

One of the wonderful concoctions I managed to throw together without glancing at a recipe book was the sacred nut roast.

I love a good roast dinner. I'm a big fan of my meat and two veg (Hey! Less of that!) so was intrigued to see what a meatless roast would be like.

I blended mushrooms, garlic, mixed nuts (pine nuts, cashews, peanuts, walnuts), Italian seasoning and a bit of parmesan cheese, and produced this:

Ladies and gents: Becky's nut roast

Now I know what you're thinking: 'Becky?! YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BE ON MASTERCHEF!'

I know, I know, it's beautiful. But honestly, at this point - I was ready to cave and head to One Stop for some cheap chicken. I persevered though, and stuck the blob in the oven for 20 minutes.

I made some mash and boiled sprouts and carrots. I even bought some vegetarian gravy which is actually really, really good - better than chicken flavoured gravy (shock, horror)!

I ate the whole thing. It was super delicious, and doesn't look half bad once cooked and covered in gravy, if I do say so myself.

If the visuals don't put you off, I highly recommend trying a nut roast for yourself. Keep checking up for more news on my new found vegetarianism!

Ta loves

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